Added option to disable Home tab ( issue 1368). macOS: Fixed crash using Japanese (and other) keyboard layouts. Fixed layout problems with UI Scaling > 100%. Fixed several bugs & issues (including issue 1221, issue 1326, issue 1334, issue 1339). Fixed crash using “Play Once” option ( issue 1337). Fixed bug which we can get stuck moving a cel ( issue 1315). Fixed crashing when the user-defined theme doesn’t exist anymore ( issue 1283).
Show all tools/quicktools on keyboard shortcuts preferences.Esc key closes Layer/Cel properties dialog ( thanks to Tab key cycle through RGB/HSV color text fields ( issue 1019).Detect the file format by its content instead of this extension when possible ( issue 776).macOS: Smooth scroll with trackpad on list boxes and other widgets.
Improved the dialog to open a sequence of files ( frame1.png, frame2.png, etc.) ( issue 1284). Added an option to change the initial frame number on the Timeline ( issue 1300). Added visual indicator when Aseprite is saving data to recover files from a crash ( issue 1114). Added a tick mark next to the preset palette that matches the active one ( issue 1327). Added option to disable auto-scroll ( issue 1277). Added option to play all frames ignoring tags. Added default grid options in preferences dialog. Added option to use Rectangular Marquee and Lasso tools with right click. Added keyboard shortcuts to change the layer opacity with Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3, and Shift+4. Support symmetry at the center of one pixel (issue issue 853). Aseprite v1.2-beta7 includes all changes in v1.1.13. Fixed rendering artifacts ( issue 1349). Fixed bug moving cels one pixel up or to the left. Fixed bug/crash moving a group inside itself. Added option to export (File > Save Copy As) with pixel aspect ratio. Fixed all commands related to the entire canvas (resize sprite, rotate sprite, flip sprite, etc.) when the sprite contains collapsed groups. ase files with complex hierarchies/multiple levels Added new –oneframe CLI parameter to load just one frame. Initial support for Timeline thumbnails ( issue 340, thanks to Carlo “zED” Caputo, PRs). New option to add reference layer, useful for rotoscoping ( issue 532). Hi asepriters! Today we are releasing v1.1.10 and v1.2-beta4 with new features and several fixes. Fixed crash showing a layer name with “ : ” string on the status bar ( bug report). Fixed several display issues using UI Scaling = 200% ( issue 1456). Fixed changing layer properties of several layers at the same time. Fixed delay problems playing animation on the active editor and the Preview window at the same time. Fixed a problem resetting default grid settings ( issue 1380). Fixed soft light layer blending mode to match the CSS-SVG definition. macOS: Fixed several keyboard issues (mainly on special non-US keyboard layouts, like “Dvorak - QWERTY ⌘”). macOS: Fixed memory leaks on paint events and changing mouse cursors. New mail24 color palette (thanks to New matriax8c color palette (thanks to Added a search field in the fonts popup. Improved performance previewing effects (like Replace Color, Convolution Matrix, etc.) ( issue 1400). New command to switch “Contiguous” mode on Paint Bucket tool (no default shortcut yet).
Added new keyboard shortcut Shift+E to open/close a layer group.Show Unicode filenames correctly (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.).Improved Sprite > Canvas Size option: now we can drag the canvas and corners ( issue 1394).Improved handling of overlapping frame tags in the Timeline ( issue 920, issue 768).Added horizontal/vertical symmetry at the same time ( issue 1190).Added possibility to open multiples files at once ( issue 1163).Added possibility to move selection edges.Added automatic guides when moving cels/layers (Ctrl or ⌘ key).Added slice tool ( issue 721, still a work-in-progress as animated slices need more UI work).
Hi asepriters! Today we are releasing Aseprite v1.2-beta8 through all channels (Humble Bundle, Steam, itch.io, and Gumroad) with new features! ( How to update Aseprite?)